FOREVER strong

improve your speed, power, and agility

everything you need to go to the next level

Forever Strong is my signature program consisting of:

  • online video exercises

  • 5 element nutrition guide

  • 90 day Journal designed to keep you focused

    so that you can improve your speed, power, and agility by improving your functional movement patterns.

body awareness

you’re ready to take control of your health journey

You’ve gone against the grain and know that a diagnosis does not define you or your life. You’re ready to understand how your body responds to pain so that you never have to consider synthetic medication or surgery. (phew! Thank god for that!) And most importantly, you’re ready to put in the work – no doubt about it.

Yet you don’t know where to start?

What’s included

  • Weekly training videos ($800)

  • 90 day DAILY mission Journal ($57)

  • 5 Element nutrition evaluation ($250)

  • Personal element nutrition plan and food list ($98)

  • Tutorials, trainings and worksheets ($683)

    • Functional Movement Evaluation

    • S.M.A.R.T. Goal development

    • Pelvic Tilt Evaluation

    • Foot/Ankle Pronation/Supination Evaluation

Total Value: $1888

One time
For 2 months
online workshop

the curriculum

  • growth mindset

    Strategy & mindset

    The system that gives you clarity on what your goals are (more strength, better posture, more energy) and map out a strategy to get there

    The process for uncovering how your body deals with pain and eliminating your mindset blocks that are getting in your way.

    My proven strategies on overcoming the anxiety inducing aspects of flexibility and strength training (overwhelm, life responsibilities, time etc.)

    Plus I’ll share my secret mindset resources with you so you have the same toolkit that I use for myself and my patients.

  • movement meditation

    Movement meditation

    The failsafe way to introduce pain free movement back into the body so that your body says “hell yes” regardless of where you start

    The DAILY execution: How to create a safe movement practice for your body and how to set up a routine to make sure you’re mobilizing every joint in the body in 10 minutes (leaving your more time for the things you’re truly genius at)

    The proven movement meditation that has been used for centuries for longevity.

    Plus I’ll give you our own self practice nurturing sequence so you can work up to in your own life.

  • strength in motion

    Strength in motion

    What makes a pain-free experience? Getting clear on your movement patterns and making use of your functional range of motion, every time.

    Resource: The strength training templates I use for my patients from; shoulders, to correcting pelvic tilt, to what happens after reaching their goal

    Resource: 5hrs of movement videos for daily, weekly, and monthly progression through all levels of the health journey.

    Resource: The products I use for my patients in the clinic to get them back in the game, the nutrition guidelines I use for decreasing inflammation and building forgiving joints, and the post-project follow-up because you are always going to be improving

    The importance of creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals in your life and how to create them

What people are saying

“Morgan is incredibly knowledgable and attune to the body’s intelligence. . . my range of movement was limited and with his guidance and supportive yoga stretches I am in a completely different place today. In gratitude for him and the continued healing I experience

— L. Bell, LMFT, Ph.D


  • This program is for everyone at all levels of their healing journey. So far we’ve worked with olympians to grandparents with knee and hip replacements who want to play with their grandkids on the floor

  • For many who have joined, the DAILY mission has been a considerable investment, but one that they have made back through decreased medical bills, exhaustible physical therapy, etc. by applying the strategies we go over.

    I don’t want health to be cost prohibitive so I’ve cut down the price and made the program to give you lifetime access as more videos are uploaded and built around specific questions of the members.

  • In this program, you’ll hear me say that overwhelm can be not knowing what to prioritize next. If that’s the case, I can help you work out what that is.

    For those who are already at full capacity with no free time, then we explore in depth what you can do to put movement into your schedule: Wether that’s squatting whenever you use your phone or shoulder rotations every time you enter a doorway.

    Whatever it is, as a busy dad running two businesses, I’m all about achieving more with less time, so I can help you get there, and therefore would suggest you join now rather than later, so I can help you create more breathing room in your life.

  • You’ll have access to the whole curiculum as soon as you join so you can go through it however fast or slow you’ll like

  • The DAILY Journal should take you about 10 minutes to fill out. The execution of meditations and moments should take you about 30-40 min to complete including the warm-up movements, meditation and your specific trainings.

  • You will have access to the hub with all the video content and recordings for the foreseeable future.

    Should you want to have direct access to me for monthly telehealth visits send me a direct message to organize the time that works best for you.

Forever Strong
One time
For 2 months

improve your speed, power, and agility